
Opening Song: Help Me, Dear Father (Children's Songbook 99)
Scripture: Mark 11:24-25
Activity: Do You Love Your Neighbor -
Closing Song: Lord, I Would Follow Thee (Hymn #220)

"Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of...forgiveness..."(The Family: A Proclamation to the World)

A painting by Clark Kelley Price showing a father embracing his son, who is wearing rags, on the road outside of the family’s home.

In this life, people make mistakes. No one is perfect. Sometimes people hurt us or hurt our feelings. Most of the time this happens within our own families.Sometimes people frustrate us or upset us. What should we do when these things happen? Should we remain angry at them and hold a grudge? Jesus Christ has taught us that we should forgive seventy times seven. This means we should forgive every single time. Matt. 18: 21-22. Does this mean we forgive right away? We do our best to forgive as soon as possible but sometimes it takes some time. Just because we forgive someone doesn't mean that what they did was okay. That is why we often say in our family, "It's not okay but I forgive you."

Here's a great story about forgiveness from the September 1997 Friend magazine called: Janie's Seventy Times Seven

When it's hard for you to forgive, just remember Jesus Christ. He forgave those who crucified Him. He can help us to forgive others and bring peace to our souls.


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